The train is literally running off its tracks. Changing the game to online in the new normal takes courage, persistence, and grit.
Just take a deep breath and tell yourself, you're going to make it. Yes, I know, COVID-19 has recked our lives and taken us out of our comfort zone. We have to believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Believe in yourself. There is more in you than you can ever imagine. This is an opportunity for you to grow. Restructure yourself. Dig deep within and find talent, a gift, or do something that you have never done before. Yes, I know it is uncomfortable. Believe me. Just focus on the positive as much as possible and will yourself to blank out the negative things around you. If you are going to survive, you will have to find the new you. Yes, I said it.
It may take some time, but never give up.
Keep searching until you find your niche. You will know it. You will be passionate about it.
See what others are doing to succeed and learn from them.
Study them and pattern what they do. Create your own style.

People need hope in these times. I am changing the game by reaching out to you. Yes, you. To let you know we can make it together.
My aim is to make my blogs inspirational and down-to-earth. It will be a personal journey into the unknown. Something I have never done before, but I am willing to take the risk.